
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Back in Michigan but not quite home

Just to let you know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. We've been living out of suitcases for almost two weeks now as we worked our way north from our winter digs.  We're in the U.P finally, on the last leg home.  Should get there today and I'm hearing bad news about a snow mound that still needs digging out before we can get to our door.  Should be interesting.

Our nephew plowed out our driveway but put his back out before he could shovel the walk.  Don't know what we're going to do with him but rest assured he'll be punished for this.

Our house in winter

But the worst of it is that my brother Mike died suddenly of a heart attack on March 21.  He was 66 years old. My brother Chris and I are his only next-of-kin and we've been trying to do what we need to do to put his soul to rest and to clear up his affairs.  Someday I may write about him but for now it's too soon.

Life will settle down soon, I hope, and then I'll be back to doing what I love to do best:  Antagonizing the hell out of myself and others.



  1. So sorry for your loss.

  2. May your brother rest in peace, Mona. I'm so sorry to hear of his sudden loss. At 66 he was just too young to go. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Yes, he was too young to die. He was a "blue baby" when he was born and had a massive heart attack when he was still in his 30s, but he seemed to be doing okay. He kept his weight down and was a golfer, but his friends tell me he decided to stop going to doctors and thought aspirin was the cure for everything. He died in his sleep. I'm glad of that, really, but he'll be missed.


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